Have you been involved in a car accident, workplace, or personal injury?  Do you need medical attention but are unsure of what type of physician will offer the best care. Our Workers’ Comp Doctor on Long Island at New York Injury Associates is here to help. By contacting our team for care,  we’ll direct you to a professional who will provide the necessary treatment to get them back to full strength.  


When you become injured due to a car crash, workers’ comp accident, or personal injury, knowing where to turn will save you from recovery and financial hassles.  Thanks to our team’s multidisciplinary nature, we can work to pair you with the practitioner who can best meet your healing needs.   


We are also happy to work closely with your attorneys to assist with any legal action that needs to be taken.  Our team will carefully monitor all pertinent medical documentation and ensure you are hitting all of the essential no-fault requirements. To learn more about how we can help, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or call at 619-NOFAULT (1-619-663-2858).     

Our Long Island Locations

Our team consists of chiropractors, orthopedists, physical therapists, neurologists, acupuncturists, pain management physicians, and other specialists.  With the range of professionals making up our practice, you should feel confident that our team will find the perfect care solution for you.


At New York Injury Associates, we take no-fault insurance to better help patients like you make a full recovery.  However, taking this type of insurance means patients need to meet specific standards to remain covered.  Showing up for all scheduled appointments and playing an active role in recovery is imperative.  Additionally, if you are looking to file a lawsuit against the person or company who caused you harm, you’ll need expert medical testimonies to receive a favorable outcome in court.  Our staff will work diligently to ensure you meet all the requirements for this to happen and keep all medical files neatly organized to send to an attorney on your behalf.

Our Specialties

Icon of a stick figure performing physical therapy, bending the knee of a lying figure.
Physical Therapy
Illustration of a knee joint with pain lines radiating from the area between the femur and tibia.
Pain Management
Massage Therapy
Digital Range Of Motion

Questions About Workers' Comp

workers comp doctor on long islandWhether you are an employee or an employer, understanding worker’s compensation is essential in the case of an emergency. Every employee deserves safety at their workplace, and if that is put into jeopardy, they should also have the reassurance that the situation will be dealt with appropriately. And while worker’s compensation is government-mandated, it is a bit more difficult to understand than Social Security benefits, for example. At New York Injury Associates, our workers’ comp doctor on Long Island can help you understand worker’s compensation and how it affects you.

What Does Worker’s Compensation Do?

Required by the United States government for all states, except Texas, worker’s compensation is a program that helps employees who have been injured or become sick due to their job. It helps them by providing cash benefits, healthcare benefits, or both. In most cases, employers will pay private insurers to pay for their compensation programs. If you or one of your employees is injured due to their job, connect with our workers’ comp doctor on Long Island to further discuss what you can get out of your program.

What Are The Benefits?

Following an injury or the development of an illness, an employee should apply for worker’s compensation. Based on their situation and the requirements for compensation for their state, they may be eligible for benefits. Here are the main benefits that may be offered:

  • Replacement of Salary: as an injury or illness may require a worker to take some time off to recover, they may receive wage replacement during this time. This replacement is usually less than their typical salary, but it is rarely taxed.
  • Reimbursement of Healthcare Fees: only covering the costs associated with injuries or illnesses derived from the employee’s job, many programs will pay for healthcare. It is also possible for employees to receive payment while on medical leave.
  • Survivor Benefits: the dependents of an employee may receive compensation if the employee passes away due to their work

What Are The Types Of Compensation?

There are two kinds of compensation coverage. The standard of these is “Coverage A.” This is going to be the basic, state-mandated coverage offered by an employer’s insurance. Coverage A includes salary reimbursement and the payment of medical care, rehabilitation, and death benefits if any of those are necessary to a case. Moving past these basic payments goes into “Coverage B”. Coverage B includes any payments that surpass the minimum requirements and are usually only offered following a successful lawsuit. An example would be an employee suing their employer for negligence.

It is important to note that suing cannot always occur. When an employee accepts worker’s compensation, they usually waive the right to sue.

How Do I Apply For Compensation With A Workers’ Comp Doctor On Long Island?

If a worker has been injured or developed an illness due to work done at their job, there is a general process for applying for worker’s compensation. This may vary from state to state, but it includes:

  • Writing down the details of the incident
    • Be as specific as possible. Include any relevant photographs and names of witnesses to the incident.
  • Report the incident
    • Reporting the incident to the employer will allow them to take the case to the insurer. They should be filing a claim.

Once the claim is filed, it may be denied. If this occurs, every state has a worker’s compensation board that can be seen to appeal the decision.

What Are The Exceptions?

While these programs are in place to keep employees protected at work, some incidents occur where the system may be taken advantage of. Whether it be by the employee or the employer, it is important to watch out for dishonest or fraudulent behavior. Here are common examples of situations that may require extra steps:

  • Employer Disagreement
    • If an employer feels that they are not liable for the injury or illness of their employee, they may dispute the claim. The respective state’s worker’s compensation board may then step in to resolve the dispute.
  • Employee Fraud
    • Possibly the most known type of dishonesty used by employees in these cases is insurance fraud. Here, employees may report an injury that does not exist or is worse than the actual injury in an attempt to receive benefits.

New York Injury Associates: Workers’ Comp Doctor On Long Island

Dealing with a potentially fine line between assisting hurt employees and watching out for fraud, understanding worker’s compensation can be quite difficult. Our Workers’ Comp Doctor on Long Island at New York Injury Associates can provide you with professional answers and help you better comprehend the legal specifics of these programs. To learn more about worker’s compensation, contact us today!

What Are The 4 Main Causes Of Injury In The Workplace?

Have you recently been injured in the workplace? Are you looking for a workers’ comp doctor on Long Island? New York Injury Associates can help! NYIA has 16 separate locations across Long Island and Queens. NYIA is an independent group that offers evaluations and treatment to those injured in the workplace. Their evaluations and treatment extend to chiropractic, orthopedic, neurological care, physical therapy, pain management, and more. NYIA understands the importance of being evaluated and treated as soon as possible, and that is why they offer same-day appointments as well as advanced scheduled appointments. 

The NYIA provides you with the best selection of workers comp doctors on Long Island. The doctors at NYIA are happy to comply and work alongside your attorneys if you choose to take legal action. Trusting NYIA will alleviate the stress around your recovery and free you of any financial hassles. Continue reading below to learn more about injuries in the workplace.

Four main causes of injury in the workplace

The four main causes of injury in the workplace are complacency, frustration, fatigue, and laziness. For complacency, it is the “it won’t happen to me” mentality that ends up causing most accidents and injuries. There are many reasons workers get frustrated on the job, and you cannot alleviate every factor that contributes to frustration, but you can diminish the levels of frustration by making sure employees have the tools they need to do their job and that they have functioning equipment. A worker who is fatigued or sleep-deprived is more likely to be injured. At work, employees should be reminded and encouraged to take breaks and rotate tasks. A lazy employee who takes shortcuts or the easy way out, especially when working with dangerous equipment, is more likely to get injured.

Most common workplace injuries 

  • Slips, trips, and falls
  • Overexertion and muscle strains
  • Struck by workers, equipment, or falling objects
  • Crashes or collisions
  • Exposure to harmful substances or environments
  • Fire and explosions
  • Violence and other injuries by persons or animals

Facts about workplace injuries 

  • In the United States, a worker is injured on the job every seven seconds. This equates to 540 work injuries per hour, 12,900 work injuries per day, 90,4000 work injuries per week, and 7 million work injuries per year.
  • The 7 million work injuries per year result in 99 million days of lost productivity on an annual basis.
  • On average, each work injury results in 21 days of disability.

Tips to avoid workplace injuries with a Workers’ Comp Doctor on Long Island

There are several tips you should follow to prevent workplace injuries. As a company, you should create a safety and wellness plan. You should require a pre-employment physical for demanding positions. You should hold regular training sessions to educate your employees on potential safety hazards and proper workplace procedures. Identify any and all safety concerns by completing a safety evaluation of your business. Provide protective equipment to all your employees. Address staffing need because by being adequately staffed, you can prevent by preventing burnout, reduce the need for overtime, and allow employees to take more breaks. Always keep workspaces clean and organized. Train employees to dress for the weather and job conditions. Install proper lighting in all work areas. Perform regular inspections. Lastly, you should consider hiring a safety officer to maintain safety and accident prevention.

Steps to take after your workplace injury

After being injured in the workplace often you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to pay medical bills and lost wages. You should report your injury to your employer as soon as it happens. After reporting it to your boss, you should fill out a workplace injury report. You should then seek medical treatment for your injury. After seeking the medical treatment, you should submit a claim for workers’ compensation benefits as soon as possible after your accident. You should also hire an attorney to protect yourself and ensure you receive all the benefits you are entitled to.


Contact NYIA: Workers’ Comp Doctor on Long Island

Regardless of the type of injury you sustained from a car accident, New York Injury Associates can help. If you recently got injured at work and are looking for a Workers’ Comp Doctor on Long Island, contact New York Injury Associates today via phone or email at [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions