Suffering from an injury in the workplace is never a pleasant experience. The recovery process can be long and grueling. Anyone who has suffered from any injury knows that getting back to normal involves many different forms of rehabilitation. Have you suffered from a work-related injury and are looking for assistance? The workers comp doctor in Huntington is willing to help! Our Physical Therapy program understands how challenging injuries may be. That is why we’ve designed a personal treatment plan that gives the patient the recovery they deserve.

Why is the New York Injury Associates the Best Workers Comp Doctor in Huntington for you?

The dedication that our physical therapists have to our patient’s recovery is unmatched. Our goal is quality, not quantity. We want to ensure that every patient can be back to full strength before they go back to work. Exercises that our physical therapist offer will increase the confidence of a patient’s ability to do their job. We will discuss some examples of treatment options that our physical therapists will provide during a session. Also, we will be discussing the benefits of these exercises and how they will tailor to an individual’s injury.

What are some common treatment methods at Physical Therapy?

  • Physical exam- When you meet with your physical therapist, they will ask you several questions about your current situation. This helps the therapist to decide which exercises they should have you perform and take part in. 
  • Patient’s goals – They will ask about your goals for work and the level of physicality that your job requires. A therapist will strengthen the areas that may be susceptible to reinjury.
  • Range of motion – Therapists recognize that having the full range of motion is important at any point in your career. Physical therapy allows the patient to heal an injury and restore mobility in any area of the body.
  • Take-Home exercises- A therapist will assign “homework” to a patient. This form of homework can be done at home to help the patient further when they are not getting guidance. It will eventually allow a patient to develop confidence in their ability to strengthen their bodies after physical therapy sessions have ended.

Benefits of Physical Therapy Examples

Work-related injuries can span from severe to minor. Lucky for you, the benefits of physical therapy from workers comp doctors in Huntington  provides several of the benefits below:

  • Pain Management- Physical therapy helps ease the pain felt from an injury without using drugs and opioids to alleviate pain.
  • Surgery Avoidance – This option can strengthen the body so that an injury does not worsen or need surgery. The workers comp doctor in Huntington wants to ensure that any work-related injury does not turn into an elongated injury, or worse, surgical injury.
  • Injury Recovery- We provide the best balance of personal assistance and motor function recovery in all areas of the body. 
  • Stroke or Paralysis Recovery- We understand that stroke and paralysis is a frightening process to overcome. Mental health and physical health are equally important in this recovery treatment.
  • Balance Techniques – Have you felt unbalanced lately? At home? At work?… We strategize treatment that will build balance for any environment.
  • Age-Related Medical Guidance- Any medical problems that arise will be identified and able to be relieved. 

Contact Us

For any other questions on the benefits of physical therapy for work-related injuries, follow the link to our website. New York Injury Associates will provide you with the best Physical Therapy service for any work-related injury. The workers comp doctor in Huntington is willing to make this difficult situation a little easier. Contact us now!