Welcome To NYIA Car Accident Therapy in Astoria

We are an independently owned and operated group offering evaluations and treatment in Chiropractic, Orthopedic, Neurological Care, Physical Therapy, Pain Management, and many other specialties. New York Injury Associates is a multi-disciplinary group focused on providing medical assistance to patients and assisting in legal cases when possible. Discover how our car accident therapy in astoria can help you today! We currently operate out of 14 separate locations across Long Island and Queens, focusing on eight different medical specialties. One of our primary goals is to help patients get back to full strength, which is why we offer both same-day and advanced scheduled appointments.
We also understand the importance of delivering on all legal requests in a timely fashion. When your clients come to us for care, they become our responsibility. Our staff is experienced in stewarding patient compliance, ensuring any potential negligence on their end does not jeopardize the validity of any possible legal action. From providing medical attention for patients to organizing medical and legal documents for attorneys, our team will do everything in their power to help reach the optimal outcome.
What To Do After A Car Accident
Car accidents put us in very frightening situations. Our top priority is our safety. Unfortunately, this may be hindered by many factors. After a car accident, it is important to get the proper medical evaluation in case of injury. At New York Injury Associates, we provide a top car accident therapy in astoria while assisting you in legal matters.
How Does a Car Accident Affect You?
According to WebMD, there is a significant impact of car accidents that can potentially be long-lasting. Car accidents not only cause medical conditions but cause posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, or depression. The significant impact of the accident can dramatically change a person physically and mentally because of the potential severity of the possible injury and the severity of the impact experienced in the car accident itself.
Some common injuries caused by car accidents are:
- Scrapes: Scrapes or cuts brought on by impact.
- Whiplash: Stiffness of the neck due to head jerking motion from impact.
- Fractures: Bone fractures caused by a hard hit.
- Back Pain: Pressure applied area
There are many more injuries caused by car accidents that affect our daily lives. Luckily, there are potential treatments available with the help of our car accident therapy in astoria.
What To Do After a Car Accident
Car accidents put you at risk for possible medical conditions. That is why you must follow the correct steps to reach out for help. This includes:
- Stay at the scene of the accident.
- If you have passengers, check to make sure they are okay. If needed, call a medical ambulance.
- Exchange information such as license and insurance with the other party.
- File a police report so that documentation of description, possible damages, and/or injuries is recorded.
- Take photos or videos of the scene as evidence of impact and severity of injuries.
- File an insurance claim and provide any additional evidence, such as documentation.
- Seek medical attention.
These steps will ensure a smoother process of handling a car accident case. Our car accident therapy in astoria and team will ensure proper medical care and legal assistance.
New York Injury Associates: Car Accident Therapy in Astoria
Once patients reach out to us, we make sure they fully cooperate with our proceedings so that their legal cases have support. Appointment checkups are highly recommended for cooperation for us to help build a case. To schedule an appointment with your car accident therapy in astoria, contact us now.
What Happens To Your Body After Being In A Car Accident?
Traffic accidents can be some of the most physically, mentally, and financially devastating events in one’s life. In the year 2018 in NYC alone, there were a total of 277,971 traffic collisions. That’s why at New York Injury Associates, our primary goal is to get those who’ve just been in a traumatic car accident both the medical and legal representation they deserve. To be clear, we are not a law firm, but when it comes to the legalities of a serious car accident, we make sure all the medical and legal documents are organized properly. We will work one-on-one with your attorney to make sure their process is just as smooth as your physical recovery. Our car accident therapy in astoria have years of experience under their belt and have tackled the worst injuries imaginable from car accidents. The specific doctors/facilities we refer you to will depend on the severity of the injuries sustained in the accident.
What Happens To Your Body After Being In a Car Accident?
The type of both medical assistance and legal representation will all depend on how severe the car accident was. When your vehicle is struck by another, several things can happen. Many of one’s injuries stem from how violently your body is shaken during the accident. This is why something as simple as wearing a seatbelt will literally make a world of difference, not only for your physical health but for what your attorney has to work with as well. Nevertheless, whether you’re wearing your seatbelt or not, being violently shaken after your vehicle is struck can lead to broken bones. It can also lead to burns from the seatbelt, head trauma from violently striking your head against the wheel or window, and in worst case scenarios other than death, brain injury, and back and spinal cord trauma. In these worst case scenarios, we recommend you be rushed to the nearest emergency room immediately, but once the worst moments of all that are behind you, our car accident therapy in astoria will assist you in whatever physical therapy is necessary for your long term recovery.
In terms of how your body reacts at the exact moment of the collision, you will experience an immense amount of adrenaline. Your pupils may dilate, and you may not immediately experience any physical pain due to how fast your energy levels and heart rate are. Although this immediate and increased sense of energy can, in turn, cause you to not feel the physical injuries you just sustained, this does not in any way make them less severe. This is what our car accident therapy in astoria specialize in.
Contact Us: Car Accident therapy in astoria
If you were recently in serious but non life threatening collision and are worried about either your injuries or the potential legal repercussions, please visit our website or give us a call at 516-558-5644 or 631-305-2394.
Contact Car Accident Therapy in Astoria Today!
How Long Does Back Pain Last After An Accident?
The most common injuries involving car accidents are back injuries. The common ailment can be detrimental, or simply heal itself within a reasonable time. Depending on your specific injury, back pain after a car accident needs to be properly treated and taken care of before it gets worse. Car accident therapy in astoria can diagnose and treat your specific back pain and injuries.
Back injuries are so common following car accidents because the back absorbs most of the force and pressure from collisions. It is one of the most delicate and important parts of the body, leaving the back with lots of responsibility in the human body. It is important to understand and treat your back pain from an accident accordingly.
How Long Does A Car Accident Therapy in Astoria Say Back Pain Will Last?
After enduring a vehicle accident, you likely have received some type of damage to your back. When the head forcefully flings backward or forwards after colliding with another vehicle or object, your back is likely to suffer an injury.
In auto injury patients, back pain usually subsides within six weeks of the accident. However, the timeline of your specific pain will depend on the injury you sustained and the severity of it. Additionally, it depends on the care you give it. Back and neck pain that extends the average six weeks can be alarming. It may indicate a potentially serious situation due to the proximity to nerves and blood flow.
Back pain after an accident can indicate several different injuries. It is important to visit car accident therapy in astoria to properly diagnose your injury for the best route of treatment. There are many common back injuries resulting from car accidents, as well as how long each injury typically lasts.
Types of Back Injuries From Accidents: Car Accident Therapy in Astoria
The human back consists of a complex system of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. It contains the spinal cord – one of the most delicate and vulnerable parts of the body. Back pain from an accident can indicate several different types of injuries.
Herniated Disc
The vertebrae in your back are separated by discs. These discs serve as shock absorbers that cushion your spine. When your back is hit and encounters the intense stress from an accident, you may end up with a herniated disc, referring to a problem with one of those discs between the bones that stack to make your spine. A herniated disc can occur in any part of the spine, but most often occurs in the lower back.
The pain from a herniated disc may subside within a few weeks. Typically, it could go away entirely after about six weeks. In some cases, a herniated disc may require medical treatment or even surgery. If the pain is severe, you should seek a medical evaluation immediately. Many people do not experience painful symptoms from a herniated disc. For those who do, the symptoms tend to improve over time. Otherwise, medical advice should be taken.
Strains or Sprains
After accidents, back sprains and strains are common because of the twisting and turning that your back undergoes during the collision. This causes stretching in tendons or muscles beyond their capacity. For those with back strains or sprains, pain often worsens when moving. Range of motion is likely to be impaired by this type of injury.
Back strains and sprains are likely to go away within two weeks. In some severe cases, if the pain lasts longer, additional treatment is required.
Whiplash may cause pain in the upper back or neck. It is a neck injury that occurs due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck. This injury usually involves muscles, discs, tendons, and nerves in the neck. One who is suffering from whiplash will often experience symptoms of blurred vision, ringing in the ears, numbness in the arm or hand, neck pain or stiffness, shoulder pain, dizziness, and more.
Pain from whiplash will often last no more than a few days. All symptoms will likely fully disappear within three months. If the pain does not subside, there may be issues with discs or joints, requiring a visit to car accident therapy in astoria.
Facet Joint Pains
Facet joints connect the bones of the spine. Nerve roots travel through them to several areas of the body, such as the arms and the legs. Facet joints allow for bending and twisting without enduring a spinal injury. When these joints are damaged, it causes pain by interfering with the nerves.
Pain from facet joints should last no longer than two weeks. For pain that lasts longer, it will usually not go away on its own and requires medical treatment.
Car Accident Therapy in Astoria
If you were involved in an accident that left you with pain, it is your right to seek compensation for your injuries. New York Injury Associates specializes in cases involving vehicle accidents. Attorneys and medical care for their accident-involved clients go hand in hand. That’s why we focus on providing medical assistance to patients while assisting in legal cases. From providing medical attention for patients to organizing medical and legal documents for attorneys, our team does everything in their power to help reach the optimal outcome. Contact us today to learn more.
Visit NYIA Car Accident Therapy in Astoria
Sometimes accidents can be challenging to deal with. Knowing how to handle any accident, even on private property, is important as the rules may be a little different. If you need to seek medical assistance, our team at New York Injury Associates can help. With locations all over Queens and Long Island, we can help you find car accident therapy in Astoria. Our medical partners are happy to assist you in any care you need and are dedicated to being with you every step of the way on your road to recovery.
What Can Cause Accidents on Private Property?
Like all accidents, various things can cause accidents on private property. Some situations include:
- Distracted or careless driving- You could be distracted for many reasons. Eating, drinking, looking at your phone, adjusting the radio, etc. Careless driving could be something as small as turning or switching lanes without using your signals, not checking your mirrors, not stopping or yielding for signs, etc.
- Impaired driving- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Tailgating- Driving close behind another car, severely limiting your reaction time if the vehicle in front of you reacts suddenly.
- Road abnormalities- This can include things like ice or potholes in the road.
- Insufficient signs- There may not be many signs in the area, potentially causing a collision if you’re not careful.
All of these actions are dangerous and can result in injury. If you’re looking for car accident therapy in Astoria, New York Injury Associates can help get you to the doctor you need.
What Do I Do For Accidents on Private Property? Ask Car Accident Therapy in Astoria
If anyone is injured, it’s important to assess that first. If anyone is injured, you would need to call for medical attention. Depending on what kind of private property you’re on they may or may not have medical personnel on-site. If not, call 911.
If you need treatment for injuries after the scene is settled, our car accident therapy in Astoria are well equipped and able to help treat you.
After assessing injuries, it’s always a good idea and important to call the police and see if they can file a report. However, police, in some cases, do not have jurisdiction to do a police report because the accident may not be on a public road. If the police can’t help, you may have to notify a security guard or an employee of the establishment so they can help file an incident report.
Next, assess responsibility. When on private property, it’s possible the property owner may also be held responsible in addition to one of the drivers. Owners may be able to provide evidence you can send to insurance, such as security footage, any reports filed, etc.
Accidents can be tricky. In the moment, it can be hard to know what to do. As long as you stay calm and alert the proper people, you’ll do fine.
New York Injury Associates: Car Accident Therapy in Astoria
Here at New York Injury Associates, we care about providing the best care possible for you in a location that’s closest to you. If you’re looking for car accident therapy in Astoria, look no further. We have amazing doctors dedicated to you and your recovery. Schedule an appointment with us today!
Almost everyone will be a part of a car accident at some point in their life, whether as a passenger or the driver. Over 6 million car accidents occur each year in the United States, causing over 35,000 deaths. One of the best things you can do to prepare for the event of a car accident is to understand what you should do after one happens, whether it’s minor or severe. Make sure at all times you have your license with you when driving and have your registration and a first aid kit in the car. Car accidents can cause anywhere from mild injuries to death, and it is important that even if you feel fine, you see a doctor clear you after an accident. Seeing an injury doctor will help you with more minor issues. At New York Injury Associates, we offer more orthopedics, pain management, chiropractic care, physical therapy, neurology, and much more. If you are suffering from pain after a car accident, check out New York Injury Associates, which offers car accident therapy in Astoria.
10 Things to Do After a Car Accident
- Check for life-threatening injuries
- No matter how minor the accident, the first thing you should do is check yourself and anyone else involved for injuries. If the injuries seem to be life-threatening, call 911 immediately and stay with that person until help arrives.
- Get your car and yourself out of danger
- Once you have checked for any serious injuries, move your car out of danger if it is possible and turn on the hazard lights. If it is not possible to get your car out of the way, then just walk over to the side of the road and wait there.
- Call 911
- Once you and anybody else involved are safely on the side of the road, call 911 if you have not already. Many people try to avoid calling the police for minor accidents since they can handle them on their own. However, in some states, it is legally required to call the police no matter how small the accident is.
- Wait for help
- Once you have called 911 it is time to wait for help. Do not under any circumstances leave the scene of the accident.
- Exchange information with the other driver
- For insurance purposes exchange information with the other driver. Get their full name, insurance company and policy number, license plate number, the make and model of their care, and the location where the accident happened.
- Take pictures of the scene
- Take pictures of your car, the other car, and the scene in general, as that will help you with your insurance claim.
- Contact your insurance company
- Once help has arrived, contact your insurance so they can help you file a claim.
- Get a copy of the police report
- The police report can help you with your insurance claim and also helo you in the future if you decide to sue.
- Always seek medical care
- It is important to go seek medical care after a car accident even if you feel fine because things can be going on beneath the surface. You also may have some minor soreness and pain that can be treated by a doctor.
- Keep a file
- Keep a file with everything about the accident in one place. Include all the information you have gathered along the way about the other driver, pictures you took, and the police report.
Car Accident Therapy in Jamacia NY
If you are looking for car accident therapy in Astoria check out New York Injury Associates. New York Injury Associates doctors can work with your attorney after a car accident if you plan on suing. Our doctors can help monitor you and provide all necessary documentation to deal with your no-fault injury case. New York Injury Associates has multiple locations throughout Queens and Long Island that all offer top-of-the-line care for all types of injuries. So if you’re suffering, then contact us and make an appointment today.