New York Injury Associates, no fault doctors in Selden, are an independently owned and operated group offering evaluations and treatment in Chiropractic, Orthopedic, Neurological Care, Physical Therapy, Pain Management, and many other specialties.
Have you recently suffered an injury at work that has left you unable to work your normal schedule? The logistics of workers’ compensation can often be confusing and complicated to navigate. If you’re in search of no fault doctors in Selden, we at New York Injury Associates can offer you professional, trusted guidance in medical assistance and legal guidance when possible. For more information on New York State Workers’ Compensation Laws, Click Here.
Do You Get Full Pay On Workers’ Comp?
The short answer is no; you will not automatically get your full payment when you are approved for workers’ compensation. However, the amount you will receive is dependent upon certain factors. If injured at work, it is likely your employer will utilize their workers’ compensation insurance to cover the cost of your medical expenses, as well as loss of wages should you miss time away from work. If injured at work, it is best practice to educate yourself on the laws and guidelines in your state surrounding workers’ compensation cases.
It is important to understand that the extent of your payment is determined by a few different factors:
- Average Wages for the previous year
- The extent of your injury/ disability
- Schedule of Benefits in New York State
The Schedule of Benefits in New York State is posted yearly in July and states the maximum amount of weekly benefits an injured worker can claim under workers’ comp benefits. If injured at work and planning to receive workers’ compensation in New York State, it is important to understand the updated data within this chart.
Formula For Weekly Benefit Allowance Calculation:
⅔ x Avg. Weekly Wage x % of Injury/Disability = Weekly Benefit
No Fault Doctors in Selden: New York Injury AssociatesI
f injured at work, your focus should remain on getting proper treatment and healing for your sustained injuries. It can become overwhelming when bombarded with varying opinions or information on your situation. If you should become injured and are in search of no fault doctors in Selden, visit New York Injury Associates; the best choice for you. At New York Injury Associates ,we are educated and equipped to manage your care plan and provide guidance and insight on your legal rights for workers’ compensation. To find a location nearest you, click here.