If you have sustained an injury from a no-fault accident, it is important to get the proper medical attention and compensation you need. Our specialists at New York Injury Associates can help you recover from your injury. We will also work with your attorney to get you the coverage you deserve. Visit our no fault doctors in Selden if you have been in a no-fault accident and need assistance.

no fault doctors in Selden

What is Considered a No-Fault Accident?

An accident can be declared as either an at-fault accident or a no-fault accident, depending on the situation. At-fault accidents mean you caused the accident and are responsible. No-fault accidents, on the other hand, mean you were not responsible for the crash. In a no-fault state such as the following, your car insurance covers car damages and medical expenses, regardless of which driver caused the crash. 

  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Hawaii
  • Kentucky
  • Florida
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • North Dakota
  • Utah

The other 38 states are considered fault states. In these states, the at-fault driver’s insurance company is responsible for compensating the other driver for their losses.

Does A No-Fault Accident Go On Your Record? 

No-fault accidents will be reported on your driving record. Because you contact your insurance company to report the accident and to get reimbursed for the cost of repairs, it will appear on your record. This claim will stay on your insurance record for an average of three to five years. 

Why You Should Contact Our Associates

When you contact our no fault doctors in Selden after an injury from an accident, we will do everything in our power to help your case. We will ask for your location and the nature of the injury and direct you to the location that will most benefit you. We will then provide you with an appointment to address your injury and further evaluate the situation. Our no fault doctors in Selden save patients money when they need it most.  

Contact Our Team
If you have been in a no-fault accident and are suffering from an injury related to the accident, see our staff at New York Injury Associates. Our no fault doctors in Selden will address your injury and work with your attorney to get you the proper compensation you need. Schedule an appointment with our team to address your no-fault accident today!