In the unfortunate event, you or a loved one are involved in a car crash, chances are it was definitely either you or the other driver who was at fault. That being said, what happens when it is not your fault? Regardless of who is at fault, both drivers need to be responsible, and both call the police and alert their insurance company to let them know what happened? However, should the accident not be your fault, there is such a thing as a no-fault case, where the insurance company will not charge you for any damages. New York Injury Associates, no fault doctor in Hicksville is always here to help.
At-Fault Accident vs. No-Fault Accident
Across the U.S., insurance companies use fault determination strategies to discern who is responsible for the crash and who is deserving to pay the other for financial compensation. Twelve states have no-fault laws, the other 38 do not. In New York, a no-fault state, your car insurance covers any and all expenses in regards to you and your car, covering medical and auto, respectively. Regardless of who is at fault, the expenses are paid by neither drivers and both insurance companies, even though the accident will still appear on their driving record. In an at-fault state, the driver who is directly responsible for the accident will need to consult their insurance company to provide compensation for whatever losses the other driver sustained.
In a no-fault state, it is mandatory for drivers to possess what is known as PIP, or Personal Injury Protection insurance. This is how the driver’s damages are paid no-fault. It is worth mentioning, however, both driver’s records will be impacted, as an insurance claim will have been filed. If you take money from an insurance company, as well as having filed a claim, that will be what makes the accident appear on your driving record, despite not being at-fault. PIP will always be available to you, but it does not forget your last accident. Car insurance claims usually last three to five years, unless is it a more severe scenario. For example, an accident instigated by a drunk driver can last ten years, possibly more depending on which state you are living in. New York Injury Associates no fault doctor in Hicksville can clarify any and all details you would like to know should you be medically affected by an accident and would like to seek action.
The Bottom Line
Car accidents can definitely be no-fault, as it depends on the state in which you live. New York happens to be a no-fault state, so your car insurance is to be liable, regardless of who is at-fault. Knowledge like this can go a long way in the future should you ever find yourself in a situation such as a major car accident, as financial costs are always a sensitive subject when it comes to those involved.
Contact Us Today
New York Injury Associates, no fault doctor in Hicksville is here to come to your aid for whatever legal and medical issues are affecting either you or a loved one due to any kind of car accident. Contact us today, we are located across Long Island and Queens.