At NYIA or New York Injury Associates, our team is dedicated to helping you or a loved one get the help you need. We can help our clients in workers’ compensation, accident-related cases, and provide you with one of many of our no fault doctors in Hicksville. Our business currently has 14 locations spread across Long Island and Queens staffed with the best doctors to give you the help you need.
What is a No-Fault Doctor?
No fault doctors in Hicksville are individuals who take care of your injuries after an accident and will help you bill the medical insurance company. These doctors can help you find the coverage and financial means to pay for the medical bills that came along with your injury while also treating you. At NYIA, our team can help you arrange to work with one of our no fault doctors in Hicksville; helping you get the coverage and treatment you need.
When a person gets injured at work and receives workers’ compensation there are many reasons as to why he or she may want to return to work.
- Getting back to work and an active lifestyle can help some people feel better and recover faster.
- Your overall and long-term compensation can be benefitted as well. If you return to work you have a better chance of not missing out on raises, promotions, and seniority status.
When to Return to Work After an Accident?
In every medical case, each patient is different and recovers from an injury at a different pace. The most important factor when it comes to knowing when you should return to work or not is if you feel you are recovered and feel good. However, there are different steps to be taken to ensure you are ready to return to the workplace.
If you are fully healed and receive clearance from your doctor then it is okay to return to work. The next step would be to notify the insurer from which you received workers’ compensation; and set a specific date you will be returning to work.
However, in other cases, there may be some restrictions when it comes to returning to work.
- Light duties or new tasks may be assigned to you as you continue to heal or if you have new medical restrictions.
- You may need new training or help in finding a new job or task at work.
No Fault Doctors in Hicksville :
New York Injury Associates or NYIA can help you or a family member get back on your feet and return to work. We can help provide you with the care and medical assistance you may need as well as finding you the best no fault doctors in Hicksville.