workers comp doctor in Hicksville

Have you been injured at work? Seeking medical attention will save you from recovery and financial struggles. At New York Injury Associates, our workers comp doctor in Hicksville, we will find the perfect care solution for you. 

What is Workers Compensation?

Workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits to employees who get injured or sick from a work-related cause. It is a state-mandated insurance program, so depending on the state, there are different laws and programs. There is a lot that goes into who and what will be covered by workers’ compensation.

What is Covered By Workers Compensation? 

If your employee suffers an injury that is work-related or becomes ill, workers compensation benefits will cover:

  • Medical Expenses: This includes visits to the emergency room, surgeries and, prescriptions. 
  • Lost Wages: While you are taking the time to recover from a work-related injury or illness, workers comp will replace lost income. 
  • Ongoing Care Costs: In some severe cases, work-related injuries or illnesses will need more than one treatment or may require months of physical therapy which will be covered by workers comp.
  • Funeral Expenses: If an employee loses their life from a work-related accident, workers comp can help cover funeral costs and provide death benefits to the beneficiaries of the employee. 

Who is Covered By Workers Compensation?

To determine which employees need workers’ compensation coverage depends on several factors. The requirements vary from state to state and depend on the size of your business. For most states, workers’ compensation coverage is only provided to full-time employees. It is important to know what states do or do not require workers’ compensation coverage. 

What Does A Workers Compensation Doctor Do?

Workers’ compensation doctors are qualified and highly reputable physicians. The difference between a workers compensation doctor and a regular doctor is that they accept patients under a workers’ compensation claim provided by an employer. As long as your injury is related to work, these doctors help you to receive the benefits you are owed by making recommendations to insurance companies.

Contact Us

If you have been injured at work and need help with your workers’ compensation claim, contact New York Injury Associates to see our workers comp doctor in Hicksville. This will ensure that you will receive the workers comp benefits you are owed. Our team will also offer a perfect care solution specific to you and your injury.