We are an independently owned and operated group offering evaluations and treatment in Chiropractic, Orthopedic, Neurological Care, Physical Therapy, Pain Management, and many other specialties. Whether you need a workers comp doctor in Astoria, Islip, Massapequa or beyond, you can be assured that we have an office near you!
New York Injury Associates is a multi-disciplinary group focused on providing medical assistance to patients and assisting in legal cases when possible. We currently operate out of 14 separate locations across Long Island and Queens, focusing on eight different medical specialties. One of our primary goals is to help patients get back to full strength, which is why we offer both same day and advanced scheduled appointments.
We also understand the importance of delivering on all legal requests in a timely fashion. When your clients come to us for care, they become our responsibility. Our staff is experienced in stewarding patient compliance, ensuring any potential negligence on their end does not jeopardize the validity of any possible legal action. From providing medical attention for patients to organizing medical and legal documents for attorneys, our team will do everything in their power to help reach the optimal outcome.
Phone: 516-558-5644
Email: [email protected]
Our team consists of chiropractors, orthopedists, physical therapists, neurologists, acupuncturists, pain management physicians, and other specialists. With the range of professionals making up our practice, you should feel confident that our team will find the perfect care solution for you.
At New York Injury Associates, we take no-fault insurance to better help patients like you make a full recovery. However, taking this type of insurance means patients need to meet specific standards to remain covered. Showing up for all scheduled appointments and playing an active role in recovery is imperative. Additionally, if you are looking to file a lawsuit against the person or company who caused you harm, you’ll need expert medical testimonies to receive a favorable outcome in court. Our staff will work diligently to ensure you meet all the requirements for this to happen and keep all medical files neatly organized to send to an attorney on your behalf.
Benefits of Physical Therapy After Being Hurt on the Job
Suffering from an injury in the workplace is never a pleasant experience. The recovery process can be long and grueling. Anyone who has suffered from any injury knows that getting back to normal involves many different forms of rehabilitation. Have you suffered from a work-related injury and are looking for assistance? The workers comp doctor in Astoria is willing to help! Our Physical Therapy program understands how challenging injuries may be. That is why we’ve designed a personal treatment plan that gives the patient the recovery they deserve.
Why is the New York Injury Associates the Best Workers Comp Doctor in Astoria for you?
The dedication that our physical therapists have to our patient’s recovery is unmatched. Our goal is quality, not quantity. We want to ensure that every patient can be back to full strength before they go back to work. Exercises that our physical therapist offer will increase the confidence of a patient’s ability to do their job. We will discuss some examples of treatment options that our physical therapists will provide during a session. Also, we will be discussing the benefits of these exercises and how they will tailor to an individual’s injury.
What are some common treatment methods at Physical Therapy?
- Physical exam- When you meet with your physical therapist, they will ask you several questions about your current situation. This helps the therapist to decide which exercises they should have you perform and take part in.
- Patient’s goals – They will ask about your goals for work and the level of physicality that your job requires. A therapist will strengthen the areas that may be susceptible to reinjury.
- Range of motion – Therapists recognize that having the full range of motion is important at any point in your career. Physical therapy allows the patient to heal an injury and restore mobility in any area of the body.
- Take-Home exercises- A therapist will assign “homework” to a patient. This form of homework can be done at home to help the patient further when they are not getting guidance. It will eventually allow a patient to develop confidence in their ability to strengthen their bodies after physical therapy sessions have ended.
Benefits of Physical Therapy Examples
Work-related injuries can span from severe to minor. Lucky for you, the benefits of physical therapy from workers comp doctors in Astoria provides several of the benefits below:
- Pain Management- Physical therapy helps ease the pain felt from an injury without using drugs and opioids to alleviate pain.
- Surgery Avoidance – This option can strengthen the body so that an injury does not worsen or need surgery. The workers comp doctor in Huntington wants to ensure that any work-related injury does not turn into an elongated injury, or worse, surgical injury.
- Injury Recovery- We provide the best balance of personal assistance and motor function recovery in all areas of the body.
- Stroke or Paralysis Recovery- We understand that stroke and paralysis is a frightening process to overcome. Mental health and physical health are equally important in this recovery treatment.
- Balance Techniques – Have you felt unbalanced lately? At home? At work?… We strategize treatment that will build balance for any environment.
- Age-Related Medical Guidance- Any medical problems that arise will be identified and able to be relieved.
Contact Us
For any other questions on the benefits of physical therapy for work-related injuries, follow the link to our website. New York Injury Associates will provide you with the best Physical Therapy service for any work-related injury. The workers comp doctor in Astoria is willing to make this difficult situation a little easier. Contact us now!
Common Injuries on a Construction Site
Unfortunately, accidents and injuries occur to workers on a construction site often. These injuries can be addressed by our doctors at New York Injury Associates. We comply with our patients and give them the proper attention. Our workers’ comp doctor in Astoria focuses on construction site injuries and carrying out treatment.
Causes of Construction Site Injuries Seen At A Workers Comp Doctor in Astoria
There are various causes for injury occurring on a construction site. Becoming familiar with the types of injuries that can occur on a construction site may help you avoid injury.
The most common injury to occur on a construction site is falling. Some of the possible heights a construction worker can fall off of include:
- Scaffolding
- Cranes
- Roofs
- Ladders
If you’re injured due to a fall on a construction site and are seeking justice, see our workers comp doctor in Astoria.
Falling Objects
Construction workers can be at risk of being hit by a falling object. For example, a tool or construction material from a higher floor can fall if not properly secured. A brain or spinal injury can result if the falling object hits your head. That is why it is advised to wear the proper hard hat and safety equipment.
Equipment Related Accidents
Heavy and dangerous machinery used on construction sites can fail. For example, a large forklift can stop working, a heavy dumpster can unexpectedly fall, or a nail gun can misfire. If unsafe or faulty equipment caused your injury, you could reach out to an attorney to discuss product liability. Product liability reveals who is responsible for dangerous or defective products.
Getting Crushed
Construction workers who work with large trucks and heavy machinery can constantly be at risk of getting run over or crushed. It can be difficult for workers driving trucks to see what’s around them due to the size and nature of the truck. It is also possible for workers to become crushed between two large vehicles or walls. That is why supervisors must be aware of the work site at all times.
Fires and Explosions
Fires and explosions can happen as a result of untreated hazardous conditions. The following circumstances can result in a fire or explosion:
- Exposed wiring
- Leaking pipes
- Flammable chemicals
Building Collapses
Unfortunately, a trench being built can collapse on the workers inside if it is not sturdy. Also, a building that is being demolished or is under construction can unexpectedly collapse. If a trench or building collapses, it can kill or seriously injure the workers inside.
Construction workers do a lot of physical labor, resulting in overexertion. Some of the injuries associated with pushing the body too hard include:
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Muscle and joint damage
- Heatstroke
- Hypothermia or frostbite
Workers Comp Doctor in Astoria: Medical Conditions Caused by Construction Injuries
The construction injuries above can lead to medical problems. It is recommended to see our workers’ comp doctor in Astoria to help take care of the following medical conditions that could happen from working on a construction site:
- Amputation of a body part
- Broken or fractured bones
- Burned body part
- Cuts or lacerations
- Eye injuries or loss of vision
- Sprains or overuse damage
- Loss of hearing
- Paralysis and other spinal cord injuries
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Toxic exposure to chemicals
- Head or traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
Contact New York Injury Associates: Workers Comp Doctor in Astoria
If you have been injured on the job, it is essential to consult with a construction accident attorney and see our workers comp doctor in Astoria. Our doctors will give you the medical attention you need and organize medical and legal documents for attorneys. Contact our team at New York Injury Associates to get a consultation from our doctors.
Do You Get Full Pay On Workers’ Comp?
New York Injury Associates, workers comp doctor in Astoria, are an independently owned and operated group offering evaluations and treatment in Chiropractic, Orthopedic, Neurological Care, Physical Therapy, Pain Management, and many other specialties.
Have you recently suffered an injury at work that has left you unable to work your normal schedule? The logistics of workers’ compensation can often be confusing and complicated to navigate. If you’re in search of workers comp doctors in Astoria, we at New York Injury Associates can offer you professional, trusted guidance in medical assistance and legal guidance when possible. For more information on New York State Workers’ Compensation Laws, Click Here.
Do You Get Full Pay On Workers’ Comp?
The short answer is no; you will not automatically get your full payment when you are approved for workers’ compensation. However, the amount you will receive is dependent upon certain factors. If injured at work, it is likely your employer will utilize their workers’ compensation insurance to cover the cost of your medical expenses, as well as loss of wages should you miss time away from work. If injured at work, it is best practice to educate yourself on the laws and guidelines in your state surrounding workers’ compensation cases.
It is important to understand that the extent of your payment is determined by a few different factors:
- Average Wages for the previous year
- The extent of your injury/ disability
- Schedule of Benefits in New York State
The Schedule of Benefits in New York State is posted yearly in July and states the maximum amount of weekly benefits an injured worker can claim under workers’ comp benefits. If injured at work and planning to receive workers’ compensation in New York State, it is important to understand the updated data within this chart.
Formula For Weekly Benefit Allowance Calculation:
⅔ x Avg. Weekly Wage x % of Injury/Disability = Weekly Benefit
Workers Comp Doctors in Astoria: New York Injury Associates
f injured at work, your focus should remain on getting proper treatment and healing for your sustained injuries. It can become overwhelming when bombarded with varying opinions or information on your situation. If you should become injured and are in search of workers comp doctors in Astoria, visit New York Injury Associates; the best choice for you. At New York Injury Associates ,we are educated and equipped to manage your care plan and provide guidance and insight on your legal rights for workers’ compensation. To find a location nearest you, click here.